Frequently Asked Questions

What is the reference to #WWZD?
#WWZD was coined by a colleague (thank you, Anne) and stands for #whatwouldzurinado - she used to ask herself this when placed in different situations. I thought it was fun, so here we are! You’ll see it being used as time goes on.

Can I purchase just the mini workshop series?
I’d recommend you purchase both the workshop series and accountability buddy catch up sessions together but yes, you can just purchase the mini workshop series.

Do you have a referral program?
If you recommend a friend who purchases the 3x mini online workshops you will receive 1x accountability buddy catch-up session. If your friend purchases the full pack of 12 sessions (3x mini online workshops pus 9 x accountability budy catch up sessions), you will receive 3x accountability buddy catch-up sessions.

Are you interested in collaborations?
Yes! I’d love to hear from you!

What are your plans for this business in the future?
I would love to hold an overnight retreat - the question is - we run it as an online retreat or a physical retreat?

Keep on asking those questions…and help this list grow…